Text Overlay solutions or Live Journal feeds are probably the only real way to match up CCTV footage of sales data accurately for comparison with the actual events of the sale. Until now, this could only be done by either putting in more expensive Text Overlay Modules or senders and in both cases they usually require significant additional cabling.
Now with the ATM/POS software we can offer you the means of sending this information directly from your EPOS system without running additional wires between the EPOS terminals and the DVR. This is done by installing software to monitor the ICR Touch EPOS Terminal either on the terminal itself or another computer on the network. This software will then collect all sales/journal data live from the EPOS software and feed it directly to your DVR with no additional wiring and very little configuration.
A wide range of DVR's noticeably QVIS DVR's accept journal information from ATM machines via a technique known as ATM/POS. Any DVR capable of accepting the ATM-POS format can now be used to overlay journal data live from your ICR Touch EPOS system directly over the network with no additional cabling what-so-ever. The data is collected live from your EPOS system over the network and transmitted directly in the ATM format to your DVR. Many of these DVR's also include the ability to search transactions sent to the DVR in this manner giving you all the tools to play back footage based upon a simple search for phrases such as 'Cancel', 'Void', or 'Error Correct'.
Whilst there are a multitude of EPOS systems and software on the market, all operating differently, all with their different features, generally they all have the ability to keep the customer informed about the purchase in progress with a customer display. Unfortunately, many retailers fall victim to staff ringing through items incorrectly, or looking after friends etc and CCTV systems generally only display the picture of the camera above the till so most of the time this type of theft (It is theft) goes un-noticed.
Point-of-Sale Integration. Are they buying what you’re selling?
POS integration (or till Interfacing) provides the ability to extract the data from a till that prints on a customer display or receipt printer and overlay this data on a video picture of the check out area. Most front end cameras are positioned to see the cashier, the cash drawer, items purchased and the customer. With all these elements recorded on your CCTV, any owner can review this scene and with one view verify the check out was legitimate.
How an Interface Stops Theft
The till interface as an overt (clerks and customers know the interface is in place an how it works) security system can deter theft by the fear of being caught along with a permanent record. This system as a covert (hidden system) will not prevent the theft but will record the event for later prosecution.
In either case, the till interface system will allow the recording of all transactions for later review for such thefts as sweethearting, substitute scanning, no rings, short changing, short rings, and pilfering.
Some example Types of POS Theft that can be caught with the Text Overlay Module
This requires an accomplice or sweet heart that loads up expensive items for check out. The clerk then either does not ring up certain items or rings up the items but charges a lower price than marked. This type of loss shows up later as inventory shrink.
Substitute Scanning: This is usually a type of sweethearting that is done in stores that have scanning systems. The clerk fixes a scan tag of a low value item on their palm. When an item is scanned, the palm tag is read and not the actual item. Substitute scanning can also be done without a sweetheart. The correct value of the sale is collected from the customer and later pulled from the till near the end of the shift. This type of theft if viewed by a convention camera system looks like the clerk was ring correctly, but with the text overlay, the manager can instantly see the substitute scan.
taking money directly from the till and leaving the till short. This usually occurs when more than one clerk uses the same cash drawer.
Exception Reporting
As described above most of these theft practices require the ringing up of substitute or low value items or opening the drawer without a normal sale. These types of till transactions are called exceptions. A till interface can electronically watch for these types of questionable transactions and give a signal when detected. This signal can be in the form of an on-screen flag or alarm a DVR for later search or automatically turn on the camera watching that till and clerk. The most common type of exceptions monitored are no sale, voids, returns, refunds, cancels, purchases, payouts, low value sales and high value sales.
No Sales -
This is the most common exception. Some legitimate uses are making change or correcting change mistakes. The No Sale is always a questionable transaction. Towards the end of a shift, whether the clerk was doing short rings or any kind of pilfering, will have to remove the accumulated money for that shift. All No Sales should be exceptions, and all in the last hour of a shift should be reviewed.
Voids -
The void is used after the customer has left and the same transaction has been voided. The money is still in the till and will have to be removed either then or towards the end of the shift.
Returns/Refunds -
This is usually questionable when no exchange is being made and cash is paid out. Items are pulled from inventory and fictitious refunds are given to one self, the clerk or a sweet heart.
Cancels -
This is where a transaction is partially rung up. The clerk asks the customer for the money and if the customer does not ask for a receipt and leaves, the clerk cancels the sale. If the customer wants a receipt then the clerk finishes the transactions and gives the receipt.
Purchases or Payouts -
This is usually in small convenience stores when they receive papers, or other non account deliveries. The clerk rings a payout and gives the vendor cash. The clerk can be in kahouts with the vendor and overpay and later collect or simply make the pay out for more and keep the difference.
Key Features
Add EPOS journal text overlay function to your DVR.
Run as many Journal Feeds as you want (Multiple licences necessary) to monitor your EPOS live.
All transactions from the till are 'overlayed' onto your CCTV footage. When reviewing the CCTV you can see exactly what is going through the till!
Each licence can transmit up-to 4 Jornal Feeds and will transmit the data directly to your CCTV over a series of pretend (Virtual) COM ports.

No Rings:
This is where a clerk rings nothing up and makes change from an open cash drawer or from the top of the change drawer.
Short Changing:
This is where the clerk is actually cheating the customer by giving incorrect change.
Short Rings: This is where a clerk rings up an incorrect amount for an items much lower than the actual value and either immediately pockets the extra money or pulls it from the till later. Usually the clerk does not complete the sale until the customer leaves. This is because if the customer asks for a receipt or challenges the price, the clerk can cancel the entry and ring up the correct on.
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We take security very seriously, and so we can offer CCTV coverage for you premisis no matter the size! Including our HD cameras, on-site storage for quick playback and live online access to footage - that's pretty smart.